Partha Chatterjee News: 'Abdar' Parthar dislikes jail food, mutton-oil dish

Partha Chatterjee's dislike of prison food. He has objection to thin meat broth (Chicken Curry) without oil and spices. The former minister wants to eat mutton instead. But, the ED flatly refused to entertain his request. A special diet chart has been prepared for Partha and Arpita. Know the detailed news...




 Partha Chatterjee does not eat jail food at all.

 And so on Sunday afternoon, Pathar sat across 'Abdar' to eat meat.

 Arpita's Nachorbanda request for Barbar dry fruits and black coffee.

Partha Chatterjee is not eating jail food. Food has no taste without oil and spices. And so the former minister of the state arrested in the SSC corruption case sat across 'Abdar' to eat Pathar meat on Sunday afternoon. The ED officials, however, did not fulfill their obligations. A specific diet chart is being followed for him as per the instructions of the doctors. As a result, he is not allowed to eat any food he likes without the permission of the central investigators. Same situation with Arpita Mukherjee. Nachorbanda repeatedly requested for dry fruits and black coffee, ED refused to listen.


Partha Chatterjee Diet Chart (Partha Chatterjee Diet Chart)

 A special diet chart has been prepared for Partha Chatterjee in the Salt Lake CGO Complex. ED has flatly rejected the request to eat mutton. Instead, add 2 pieces of thin chicken broth. What else is on the menu in Parthar Jail? According to ED sources, Partha Chatterjee was given sugar free liqueur tea and two cream cracker biscuits after waking up in the morning. Oats Khichuri is served for breakfast. After an hour, two kinds of results. Lunch is rice, dal, 2 pieces of chicken thin broth. Muswambi lemon after lunch. Partha Chatterjee wanted to eat Televaza in the afternoon. But, instead, he was given a ring and two biscuits. Two breads and vegetables are given at night.

Arpita Chatterjee's daily diet chart also excludes all oily and spicy foods. Although repeatedly he wants to eat dry fruits and black coffee. ED is not at all interested in meeting that demand. A diet chart has been prepared for Arpita in jail. His menu includes, waking up in the morning with liqueur tea without sugar and two cream cracker biscuits. Breakfast is four pieces of brown bread, boiled eggs and bananas. Within an hour of this Arpita is being given two kinds of fruits. Then the lunch menu has rice, pulses, vegetables and fish. Tea and biscuits are served in the evening. Dinner is served with two pieces of bread and vegetables.

Also both are being given ORS mixed water repeatedly. Apart from this, ED is also keeping an eye on getting enough sleep. However, no one sleeps like that in a prison bed. As a result, Partha Chatterjee and Arpita Mukherjee are practically spending the night.


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